Sunday, February 14, 2010

My kids are growing before my very eyes! Shastri is so large and outgoing for his age, so outgoing that he can be handfull sometimes. He's adjusted well to his new kindi. Its a Mandarin based school and he is own his way to mastering a third language. Right now, he is torn between deciding to a cop or a cardiac surgeon..he doesn't seem to be the anaesthetist type.

Aditya is a darling in his own way. He has some health issue and as a result doesn't tower over other kids like his brother. His penchant for violence, destruction and disorder and chaos is also absent, unlike the older one. He is agile, quick and has an acute intelligence. He fiddles around with tv remote batteries when the channel don't change. He also like building things and seems to know where all the light switches are. He clearly has a mechanical mind. Wife is a bit concerned about his medical issues but i think he will grow up to be fine young man.

My wife and I seem to be spending more time with each other of late. We go jungle trekking and hiking on weekends. We also talk a lot more.

She made the most delicious lunch for my birthday. I have eaten in many fine restaurants but my wife's cooking beats them all. Her lamb stew was simply amazing today.

Soon it will be exams again, but with so many more important things going on, I don't seem to be studying much! Oh well.....cant have everything all the time.